Je Pense

William Shakespeare

English playwright and poet (1564-1616)


  • In delay there lies no plenty!
  • All that glitters is not gold!
  • O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil!
  • Every inordinate cup is unbless’d, and the ingredient is a devil.
  • How poor are they that have not patience!
  • Poor and content is rich, and rich enough; But riches fineless is as poor as winter To him that ever fears he shall be poor.
  • Heaven me such usage send, Not to pick bad from bad, but by bad mend!


  • Have more than thou showest,
    Speak less than thou knowest,
    Lend less than thou owest,
    Ride more than thou goest,
    Learn more than thou trowest,
    Set less than thou throwest;
    Leave thy drink and thy whore,
    And keep in-a-door,
    And thou shalt have more
    Than two tens to a score.
    King Lear
  • Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
    Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
    What’s Montague? It is nor hand nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man. O be some other name.
    What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet;
    So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
    Retain that dear perfection which he owes
    Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
    And for thy name, which is no part of thee,
    Take all myself.
    Romeo and Juliet
  • When remedies are past, the griefs are ended
    By seeing the worst, which late on hopes depended.
    To mourn a mischief that is past and gone
    Is the next way to draw new mischief on.
    What cannot be preserved when fortune takes,
    Patience her injury a mockery makes.
    The robb’d that smiles steals something from the thief;
    He robs himself that spends a bootless grief.
    Othello, the Moor of Venice
  • O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! That we should with joy, pleasance, revel, and applause, transform ourselves into beasts!
    Othello, the Moor of Venice
  • Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
    Is the immediate jewel of their souls.
    Who steals my purse steals trash. ’Tis something, nothing;
    ’Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands.
    But he that filches from me my good name
    Robs me of that which not enriches him
    And makes me poor indeed.
    Othello, the Moor of Venice